Romance Weekly

on January 24, 2017

This week, the challenge from the very inventive Jenna Da Sie:

Would you rather? 1) Would you rather go way back in time and meet your ancestors Pre 1800’s or go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren Post 2200? 2) Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone? 3) Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader? 4) Would you rather have the ability to fly or read minds? 5) Would you rather have mermaids be real or unicorns be real?

  1. As an historical romance writer, I think we tend to romanticize the past. After all, there were no medicines, no plumbing, no conveniences we take for granted. The variety of food was limited and people probably mostly smelled bad…just saying. So going back in time for real loses some of its appeal. Also, there is so much written about the past and my imagination loves to fill in the blanks.

Now…the future…I cannot even begin to grasp how many advances in technology will be forthcoming. Look how far we’ve come in the last sixty years or so. So many possibilities. It might be a joyous experience and it might be terribly depressing, but I think I’d like to know.

  1. I can live just fine without my cell phone, but I go crazy if the internet is down even for a few minutes. I can’t imagine going back to doing research without Google. And with email, unlike just talking, you can think about what you’re going to say before you blurt out something you wish you hadn’t said.
  1. I would much rather talk like Yoda and be like Yoda. Besides, who want to be a ‘breather’?
  1. This one is easy. I would definitely rather read minds! Of course, if I knew what everyone was thinking, I might just want to be able to fly (away).
  1. I think I’d rather unicorns be real. I would love to be a mermaid for a day or so, but long term…unicorns speak of love and peace and all good things. Yep, unicorns get my vote.

Let’s hop on over to the incredibly talented Carolyn Spear and see what she would rather …
