Romance Weekly

on January 10, 2017

This week I asked some questions of my fellow authors:

What do you love best about your writing? Like the least? And what are you doing to fix the things you don’t like?

Let me start by saying I love to write. Love it. Love the research, the plotting, creating the characters. Once I decide which tale to tell, it fills my brain. I will wake up sometimes in the middle of the night with a thought to make the story better. I find the entire experience exciting. And there are times when I can’t really believe I’ve already written nine books and have so many more ready to step up.

What I like the least is the business of writing. I worry about sales and social media and standings. I stress over choosing the right covers, the formats, and wondering if we caught all the typos. Am I doing enough marketing?

What am I going to do about the activities I don’t like? I think they are just part of the process. So, I will accept that there will always be things I don’t like to do but are necessary. That seems to be true about so much in life, doesn’t it?

So, it’s the bitter with the sweet. But it makes me appreciate the sweet that much more.


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Let’s hop over and see what the incredible A.S. Fenichel loves and doesn’t love…

AS Fenichel newest

One thought on “Romance Weekly”

  1. Tracey Gee says:

    The business end is excruciating. Thankfully I’m unpublished so this doesn’t touch my life. 🙂

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