Romance Weekly

on March 15, 2016

This week’s question comes from the talented Carrie Elks:

Carrie Elks new

How do you choose the location for your books? Do you pick somewhere you’ve already been, or do you research creatively, using Google and other methods to find the perfect spot?

Places I’ve already been? I suppose that depends if you believe in reincarnation or not. Otherwise, I have to say my locations are chosen by the books. For example, “The Defiant Bride” takes place in England during the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII. That time was critical to the story. I did extensive research to get the details right. That included Google and trips to the library.


For “Captain’s Captive”, the setting had to be on board a ship and the ship had to be going somewhere. So, the 1700’s and sailing to the colonies just seemed right. And, since most of these ships traveled from England…

front cover (2)

“The Dream Dancer” needed the element of witchcraft and James I’s court was perfect.


What did we ever do without Google?

“Texas Summer” was the only novel I’ve completed to date whose location was actually based on experience. I lived in New Mexico for years and the desert and small towns are pretty much the same, only Texas seemed more appropriate for the setting.  That unique environment suggests anything can happen. And it does.



The soon-to-be-released “Hannah’s War” takes place during the Civil War. I’ve always wanted to write about that era and this story worked in that setting. This was the most research I’ve ever had to do. I had to make sure of the chronology and the accuracy so the reader was not taken out of the story by my mistakes.  It necessitated multiple trips to the library and endless hours on Google. I enjoyed every moment of it, since I love to do the research.


My next book is the sequel to “The Dream Dancer” so the location is already set. After that, I travel to the more contemporary for a romantic suspense.

I love traveling to different times and places, even if only in my imagination!!!!!

Let’s see what the fabulous S.C. Mitchell has to say about his locations….

SC Mitchell

3 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. Brenda Margriet says:

    I don’t know what we’d do without Google, either, Leslie!

  2. danijace says:

    Wow, you love to move around the globe.

  3. jbdsie says:

    Great blog! You have so many unique places in your books, it must have been fun to research them all.

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