Romance Weekly

on November 10, 2015

This week’s challenge comes from the remarkable Jenna Da Sie…

Romance. There are many different meanings. What does it mean to you?

Romance simply makes life better. It brings mystery and thrills and gets my blood going. It leads me away from the mundane and fills me up with hope for a happily ever after. Romance takes me to a place of handsome heroes and beautiful heroines who face challenges and are victorious. It brings together people who are meant to be together and gives them the promise of love everlasting. Villains are overcome, evil plots destroyed and there is magic everywhere.

I started to write romance because I so love reading it. I want to take my readers to that same wonderful place where time is forgotten and daily stress melts away.

Without romance, the world would be a desolate place.

DefiantBride_140x210TexasSummer-ByLeslieHachtel-800x1200Captains Captive Cover 600x900

Let’s see what romance means to the wonderful and talented Brenda Margriet.

Brenda Margriet

3 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. I love your definition, Leslie. Especially the “gets my blood going” part. That’s the best feeling.

  2. jbdsie says:

    I agree with romance simply making life better. Such a great definition!

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