Romance Weekly

on August 11, 2015

 Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.’

If you hopped over from the wonderful Susan Scott Shelley…welcome!


This week’s question comes from the very gifted Jeanne McDonald:


Outside of writing, what is your day job? Give interesting facts about the job, and yes, Homemaker is a viable option (a very important one, I might add).

What inspired you to take on this job and would you ever consider giving it to one of your characters?

Happily, I no longer have to have a day job. I stopped being a traditional ‘9-5’-er a few years ago. Well, my jobs were never really traditional.

I’ve had many occupations in my life. The opportunities seemed to present when I needed work or change. So, it was more like they chose me. I was a breakfast caterer at NBC studios for years, delivering coffee and pastries to the various studios in the pre-dawn hours. Glamorous…not so much. I was a talent agent in Los Angeles and a media buyer for various advertising agencies. I did therapy on horseback for the disabled and aquatic therapy with severely handicapped children. Those last jobs were the best. I was also a licensed veterinary technician, doing everything from setting catheters to monitoring anesthesia. But while doing all those jobs, I was always a writer.

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The thing about writing…it’s in your blood. It isn’t something you want to do. It’s something you have to do.

Would I give one of my characters any of my jobs? Well, since I mostly write historical, it might prove difficult. The horseback riding does show up fairly regularly, but that’s not the same. Come to think of it, there is that contemporary I started…

Let’s see what the talented Tessa Gray does besides writing.


5 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. scmitchell says:

    I can really identify with your journey. And you’ve had such interesting jobs.

  2. What an interesting array of jobs you’ve held, Leslie. I had no idea! It explains why you’re so well-rounded. =)

  3. danijace says:

    Helping childeren with horse therapy sounds very rewarding and like a great job for a contemporary character! 😉

  4. I love the meanderings your career path took, Leslie & the solid thread of writing throughout!

  5. Mikki Cober says:

    What an incredible life you’ve led. The talent agent job must have been so interesting. Did you ever cast anyone who became famous? Thanks for sharing!

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