Romance Weekly

on August 4, 2015

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Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.’

If you’ve come over from the wonderfully gifted (and of course, handsome) S.C. Mitchell’s post…welcome!


This week’s challenge comes from the stunning and fabulous Xio Axelrod:

Festive Stocking Filled with Candycanes and Gingerbread Man

Twitter pitch-a-thon – Pitch your WIP or latest release to us in 140 characters or less. No cheating!

What if the man who made love to you last night does not recognize you this morning? What if this happened when you were fleeing for your life?

Marilee Booth masquerades as an old woman and hires on as a cook aboard a ship headed to the colonies. She is smitten by the handsome Captain, who merely sees her as a part of the crew. On the last night at sea, when she doffs her disguise to say goodbye while he sleeps, her life is forever altered.

“Captain’s Captive” is an historical romance set in 1723.  It tells the tale of a woman who is forced to make choices under duress.  She and Captain Robert Stuart fall in love.  When her childhood friend arrives and joins forces with her jealous rival, a plot ensues that threatens them all.

“Captain’s Captive” by Leslie Hachtel

Scheduled for release from Black Opal Books on September 12, 2015.

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Now, let’s hop over and hear the lovely and talented Veronica Forand’s pitch….


5 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. I love a good sea-faring romance Leslie!

  2. Sounds intriguing! On another note, you’re so good for my ego. 😉

  3. bettybolte says:

    Sounds great!

  4. Nice- Now I want more.

  5. And I want to know why he doesn’t recognize her! Love it Leslie!

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