Romance Weekly

on May 26, 2015

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Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.’

The wonderful Jeanne McDonald is asking the questions for this week:


  1. Describe that moment you first felt like a true author (not just an aspiring one).

I think I always felt like a true author. But, the day I got an email from my first publisher offering me a contract was a huge boost to my writing self-esteem. I couldn’t believe it. I felt legitimized. Finally, it was okay to close my office door and take the time to write without guilt. What an amazing feeling!

  1. Name three authors who you inspire you.

First would have to be Kathleen Woodiwiss. A friend gave me one of her books to read years ago. I had never read a romance before and I was captivated. I wanted more.  I read all of her work and then went on to read other writers in the genre.

Jude Devereaux‘s Velvet series was certainly an inspiration. She created characters, like Woodiwiss, who were so real I felt like I knew them. And her historical research took me back in time.

 Another would be Stephen King. I was in the grocery store and picked up a copy of “Salem’s Lot”. I slept with the lights on for three nights after reading it. What power in the written word.

I wanted to create their magic and every day I aspire to that.

  1. Describe your favorite fan moment (either you as the fan or one of your readers approaching you as a fan).

I was having a pedicure one day and a woman sitting next to me kept staring at me. Finally, she said, “Aren’t you that writer? The one who wrote “Texas Summer” and “The Defiant Bride”?” She was actually blushing. “I just love your work. When is your next one coming out?”


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Let’s hop over and see how the talented Andrea answered the questions.


A.S. Fenichel

4 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. bettybolte says:

    What a great fan moment!

  2. Awesome blog, Leslie. Wow – you’ve been recognized!!! 🙂

  3. gemmabrocato says:

    How awesome to be recognized. And I’m with you, that first email from a publisher telling you they’d like to offer a contract was a special moment.

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