Romance Weekly

on September 23, 2014

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‘Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

This week’s questions come from the fabulous J.J. Devine:

1. You’re moving right along with a storyline and suddenly it takes an unexpected twist. Do you go with the flow and follow where the twist leads you or do you conform your story to your way?

Hey, it’s all about the story, right? Which to me means it’s like a river. When it’s flowing in the right direction, it’s a whole lot smoother than if I try to force it to my will. In fact, I find it exciting that the story is strong enough to go its own way.

2.  What time of year is your Best time for writing? Winter, Summer, Fall, Spring?

No favorites. Morning is best in any season. Especially when the sun is out. Love the sun!

3. When looking for a publisher do you chose a traditional press, indie route, or one that does both ebook and print?

I prefer the traditional press that does both e-book and print. I love my Kindle, but I also love holding a book in my hands and seeing it on a shelf. I suppose I am not brave enough to go indie yet…maybe someday. But, right now, the traditional presses know so much more about the process and marketing than I do and I would rather spend more time writing.

And now onto the very talented Mikki Cober for her take on these questions.

Mikki Cober –

10 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. I used to write late at night, but I can’t do that anymore. Now it seems to happen around mid-day, as long as there aren’t too many interruptions. =)

    1. That’s why I love the mornings. Everyone is gone and the house is quiet.

  2. I prefer morning writing too! That seems to be the time I accomplish the most and am the sharpest mentally. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s the light that makes all the difference.

  3. jjdevine says:

    Give me a sunny day anytime of the year and I have so much more energy!!! Loved your answers!!!

  4. gemmabrocato says:

    I used to write best in the morning, then I found the story flowed better in the afternoon. Now I’m finding success at oh-dark-thirty in the morning. Too dang early, if you ask me. Grates like sand in the bikini!

    1. I agree with you. But it’s either that or toss and turn in bed thinking about it.

  5. I’m a morning writer too, but lately I’ve been spending evenings at it. Probably because I’m way behind!

  6. Very early morning can be one of the best times to write, so peaceful! 🙂

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