Romance Weekly

on June 17, 2014

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‘Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

1. When writing your novel, do you know how it’s going to end before you write, or do you write from start to finish?

I do know the plot, which includes the ending, before I start.  But sometimes, the characters make changes and take me where I’m going through a different route.

2. How do the people you know impact your writing? Are you influenced by friends and family for your characters?

Writers write best what we know.  So, of course, everyone I come in contact with has some influence, great or small, even when I’m not actively aware of it.  We are the sum of our experiences. And that translates into our words and the characters we create.

3.  Describe the hero in your current WIP in three words.

Hot, intelligent, compassionate.  Did I mention hot?


Let’s hop over and see what Beth Carter has to say…

Beth Carter

And we love your comments.

8 thoughts on “Romance Weekly”

  1. I’ve always found if a guy is intelligent & compassionate, that’s hot. Love your hero!

  2. Short and sweet, but good post!

  3. Carrie Elks says:

    We both have hot heroes! And did I tell you how sexy I find intelligent men?

  4. This is officially my first stop since joining Romance Weekly. Great post. I think we plot in a similar fashion.

  5. Harliqueen says:

    Great answers! I like to plan too, though sometimes the characters can lead me in really random directions 😀

  6. gemmabrocato says:

    Hey- Leslie, You forgot to mention that your hero is hot 🙂 He does sound like the real deal.

  7. jjdevine says:

    I adore ‘hot’ heroes 🙂 Loved your blog!!!

  8. Ronnie Allen says:

    Hot is definitely the way to go’!

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